Sunday, March 6, 2011


3 Things I learned

-I learned that during the victorian age, Queen Victoria was very well liked by the people and she ruled for 64 years but she actually didn't have very much power or say in very much.
-I learned about the Dreyfus affair in France, an internal conflict over France returning to a monarchy or having military rule.
-I learned that Alexander Graham Bell was a teacher of deaf students.

2 things i found interesting

-I found it interesting that by reading about Pasteur's work, Joseph Lister raised his patients survival rate to 85% as a surgeon in 1865.
-I also found it interesting that the leader of Ethiopia was able to pin Italy, France, and Britain against eachother and managed to win his countries independence with his tactics.

1 thing i still have a question about

-I only wonder why if india was such a 'jewel in the crown' they didn't have a different country help them out from under Britain's control.

Quote of Ghandi

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
I think this quote means that you can say you want change all you want but if you sit back and wait for someone else to take action then it will never happen.  Gandhi is saying that if YOU want the change then YOU go out and do something about it.  Personally i think that Gandhi couldn't be more right, too often you find people complaining when they don't do anything to change it and they also are the biggest critics but they have to be the ones that change.  They can't just wait or it will never happen.

Connection Across Time

The Suez canal connects Mediterranean and the Red seas.  It is now controlled by Egypt. Today, an average of 50 ships navigate the canal daily, carrying more than 300 million tons of goods a year.

An uprising in a European colony

Ethiopia resisted being colonized by a European Nation, mainly because of a man named Menelik II.  Ethiopia was wanted by Italy, France and Britain whom were pinned against eachother by Menelik, who happened to be accumulating new weapons.  Menelik was going to sign a treaty with Italy but felt as though he was signing away something different then what he could read, so he declared war on the Italians and in 1896 won the independence of their nation in the Battle of Adowa.

How an Empire controls a colony

One way an empire could control a colony is by paternalism which is the empire governing in a fatherly way, providing for their needs.  But despite the fact that their needs were provided for, the colonist's didn't have any rights what so ever.  To accomplish this method the Empire had to bring in their own bureaucrats  to run things and did not train the colonists in ways of governing. 

3 Reasons why Imperialism was bad

1. One reason why imperialism hurt the world is that it started racism.  The idea that one race is better than another.  Africa and Asia were weak less powerful nations so the people that occupied the lands were seen as lower than the more powerful Europeans coming in with their big weapons and superiority. 

2. Also another thing that imperialism did is cause conflict and rivalries between countries trying to gain control of the areas full of the most resources and therefore profit for them. It also caused big problems with the natives to the land who were getting taken over, they had no control of their own homeland.  There was also the Boer War (boer's were dutch settlers in africa) the war was between the British and the Boers's.  Britain won and forced the Boer republics to join the Union of South Africa, a controlled nation.

3. Lastly,  with new people going to different places, the spread of disease was very high.  Europeans were more susceptable to malaria and African's were probably more susceptable to diseases of Europe.  Just as Europeans killed of Native Americans in American, the same thing propbably happened in many places of the world.

3 Reasons why imperialism helped the world

1. Imperialism helped the world because it helped bigger more powerful countries fuel their revolutions with resources from less developed countries or nations.  It helped the nations get more modernized and also set them up to become more useful. 

2."All great nations in the fullness of their strength have desired to set their mark upon barbarian lands and those who fail to participate in this great rivalry will pay a pitable role in time to come." -German historian Heinrich von Treitschke.

3.Europe also by imperialism was spreading modernization in technology because they were so much father technologically advanced than other nations especially when conquering parts of Africa.  European nations had a huge upper hand on the African's.  The African's stood no chance with outdated weapons against Europes machine guns.

Achievement in Science

Louis Pasteur developed the Germ Theory of Disease, he found bacteria and found that heat killed it.  Pasteur also found that bacteria caused diseases.  By pasteurization germs were killed in liquids such as milk.  It changed the world mainly by the doing of british surgeon Joseph Lister.  After Lister reas Paster's work he ordered his surgical ward be kept clean and that wounds got cleaned out, increasing his survival rate to 85%

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Edison Invention

Thomas Edison Invented the Light Bulb in 1879 with his team in Menlo Park, New Jersey.  Edison and his team tested thousands of filaments to make the light bulb work, it took long hard hours or trial and error to finally find one that worked.  Edison continued to make improvements on his light bulb along with mant other inventions until his death in 1931.  The invention of the light bulb affected the common person by pushing the electricity business and providing light bulbs in wealthy households and also in businesses.

Chapter 10 & 11 introduction

Chapter 10 is about The Age of Democracy and Progress(1815-1914)
 - British parliament passed the Reform Bill of 1832, which would extend the right to vote for British citizens and also modernized industrial cities and gave them representation in Parliament.  The Victorian age was also discussed in chapter 10, the period of time when Queen Victoria ruled but with little power. Chapter 10 also had the Dreyfus Affair which was a controversy in France.
Queen Victoria
Chapter 11 focuses on Africa pre Imperialism, and the resources and reasons European countries tried to control africa and the methods of imperialism they used.  Also the focus on battles between african colonies.