-I learned that during the victorian age, Queen Victoria was very well liked by the people and she ruled for 64 years but she actually didn't have very much power or say in very much.
-I learned about the Dreyfus affair in France, an internal conflict over France returning to a monarchy or having military rule.
-I learned that Alexander Graham Bell was a teacher of deaf students.
2 things i found interesting
-I found it interesting that by reading about Pasteur's work, Joseph Lister raised his patients survival rate to 85% as a surgeon in 1865.
-I also found it interesting that the leader of Ethiopia was able to pin Italy, France, and Britain against eachother and managed to win his countries independence with his tactics.
1 thing i still have a question about
-I only wonder why if india was such a 'jewel in the crown' they didn't have a different country help them out from under Britain's control.
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