Sunday, March 6, 2011

3 Reasons why Imperialism was bad

1. One reason why imperialism hurt the world is that it started racism.  The idea that one race is better than another.  Africa and Asia were weak less powerful nations so the people that occupied the lands were seen as lower than the more powerful Europeans coming in with their big weapons and superiority. 

2. Also another thing that imperialism did is cause conflict and rivalries between countries trying to gain control of the areas full of the most resources and therefore profit for them. It also caused big problems with the natives to the land who were getting taken over, they had no control of their own homeland.  There was also the Boer War (boer's were dutch settlers in africa) the war was between the British and the Boers's.  Britain won and forced the Boer republics to join the Union of South Africa, a controlled nation.

3. Lastly,  with new people going to different places, the spread of disease was very high.  Europeans were more susceptable to malaria and African's were probably more susceptable to diseases of Europe.  Just as Europeans killed of Native Americans in American, the same thing propbably happened in many places of the world.


  1. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. See the link below for more info.


    1. Imperialism didn't start racism. Racism has been around for thousands of years. However I do believe that since imperialism came at the expense of freedom for many countries, it was not worth the political and economic benefits that came hand in hand with expansion. As Americans we claim to stand for freedom and liberty, and cannot justify the deprivation of those rights for any reason. We are still in several wars that we started for selfish reasons. For instance, the Iranian debacle started because America plotted a coup to overthrow a democratically elected leader who wouldn't sell us oil. I have always been a proud American, but I don't approve of many of the things that America has done. We have a fraught history, and to be honest, (with Trump in office) a fraught future.


  2. Although i see your reasoning, i must argue that the blessed and relatively privileged U.S. would not be the way it is today. If not for U.S. Imperialism, which in its-self is an over-statement seen its how the only real colonies we possessed were Hawaii and The Philippines, the other nations would have eventually overpowered us not only militarily, but with resources, labor, and land, until the United States would be invaded, conquered, and divided up among the powers. The United Sates imperialising was not just to gain power, but to defend our great nation.

    1. What a stupid, shortsighted Wilsonian argument. You simultaneously say that the US would be overpowered by other powers had it not imperialized the pacific islands, while saying that those lands were inconsequential. You literally just overstated and understated the importance of the colonies as it was convenient to the argument. In reality, we were led down a supremacist, ultra- nationalist path by a wave of leaders who sought to exert international domination through meddling in foreign domestic affairs, fighting unnecessary wars of intervention, and otherwise stealing or coercing land by force and wealth. The justifications given to the deplorable actions of our country are made with the same blunt, stupid nationalistic sentiment that was used when committing those crimes against humanity.


  3. Thank you, this article really help me to understand more than before.


  4. I'm stuck because imperialism was neither good or bad but both and I can justify neither without putting in both which is the exact opposite of what my teacher wants me to do 😢😢im proably going to get an f

  5. good article. here is another link to check out:

  6. This article is great; however, the last reason is relatively weak, and although it was a concern, it really has nothing to do with the ideology behind imperialism.

  7. Whithin this post I see a lot of bad research. The first point, imperalism didn't start racism but simply spread the idea of supeior and lesser races. The Idea of racism is as old and civilization. The second point is more like two in one. First part their has always been rivalis between countries Imperalism simply sparked a new flame. The second part is corret with seperateing many diffrent ethinic groups and becasue of this speration of tettiorty this is wide spread unrest in many regions in Africa due to the poor seperation of culuters. Their seems to be a lot of guessing of information going on. Words such as "Probaly". The last part is hardly a reason for imperalism being bad. Instead you could add something such as imperalist countries taking all their raw resources and leaving them economicly incapeable.

    1. If I found out my kid ever made a rebuttal post this braindead, I'd reenact Abaham and Isaac, but without the Angels coming in to stop it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I believe that many people see Imperialism as part of the general European and American effort to rule distant lands and peoples across continent and oceans. Many indigenous people in America (US & Canada) and Australia have lost their own identity, heritage and history. Many are forcibly assimilated into dominant white society.
    The crux of imperialism is the battle fought over expansion of territory and land; but when it came to who owned the land, who had the right to settle and setting polices on holding it and plans its future at the expense of the aboriginal dweller.
    The Imperialism was, for many colonists, symbolic of wealth and power. To highlight their treatment, the imperialist's attitudes towards people from the conquered lands are savage or inferior. Many of them are patronizing and lacks empathy or respect for the indigenous people.
    Finally, the Earth is wounded deeply on the past as many imperialist are exploiting on raw material and using Opium trade as a substantial source of revenue for the notably British in India. All these evil deeds could better serve their own economic interests. That is to say that weaker country with abundant natural resources would be colonized and indigenous people were often brutalized. In the revelation of dark history, many imperialists may want to forget as they think time heals everything. However big gushing wound, it does heal over a period of time.
